Thursday, February 10, 2011

Rights of Women is proud to be a member of the Justice for All campaign. Justice for All is a campaign supported across the legal and advice sectors to ensure that all can access justice, no matter the circumstances they find themselves in.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Womens rights came about because it is generally thought by womens rights groups that women do not have the same entitlements as men, and a cause was needed to bring this to the attention of the public, and bring about change regarding it. Although, some cultures (such as Islam) have for some time seen women as equal in many respects to men, and others even trace their ancestry through the females (such as in many North American Indian tribes and ancient cultures, many of whom have since died out). However it has only been through various movements in Western society that the roles of women have been elevated anywhere near to that of men, and some consider that these movements still have a way to go.